Welcome to the Amazing Discount Shop™

Whoopee! 🙂

If you’re ever in the Aurora or Denver Colorado area stop on by!

* Contact Information *

VideoVideo™/Amazing Discount Shop™

310 S Chambers Rd

Aurora, Colorado 80017

Phone 1-303-306-0330

(Note: You can just click on the phone number to call us if you’re on mobile)

In addition to the 50,000 plus videos that we have in our store, we have a limited selection of dvd’s and hard to find audio cd’s on Amazon, some other goodies on eBay, and you can find us on Facebook as well. We thought you might ‘like‘ that (hint)… and we’ll try not to bug you too much.

>> Note – We have some popular videos listed on Walmart now too! <<


    ∗ AMAZING DISCOUNT SHOP – on Amazon – see how well we’re doing on Amazon!

          ∗ AMAZING DISCOUNT SHOP – on eBay

    ∗ AMAZING DISCOUNT SHOP – on Facebook



360/3D/VR – ‘Street-view’ like walk-through of our 12,000 sf B&M storefront

VideoVideo™/Amazing Discount Shop™ (Formerly Video Pursuit) – on Google Maps

VideoVideo/Amazing Discount Shop B&M Store-front
B&M Store-front for VideoVideo & the Amazing Discount Shop

 Click on the picture to go inside!